Glo Introduced Stay Home Data Plans, Offers 20% Extra Data

Glo has just introduced a new Stay Home data plan to make the lock down fun and productive. This is coming just when Glo introduced 1.2GB for N200 Sunday data plan

However, this is not actually a new data plan entirely. You only get an extra 20% data if you renew your existing data plan, whether small or big data plan. You'll get some extra data percentage when you renew your data plan before expiry date.

How Glo Stay Home Data Offer Works

When you buy N500 data bundle, you would get 1.05GB instead of the regular 1GB. If you buy the N1000 data, you'll get 2.5GB data instead of the regular 2.3GB. If you buy the N2000 data plan, you'll get 5.8GB data instead of the regular 5.25GB, while N3000 data plan will give you 10GB instead of the regular 9GB data..

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  1. Nice one...
    But you haven't removed footer credits

    1. And some other features have been left handy
